Knock, knock! Wake Up and check your alarms with Ottawa Fire Services

As part of the spring Wake Up! program, firefighters from Ottawa Fire Services will visit homes across the city next week to ensure smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are present and working.

Ontario’s Fire Code requires that homes have a working smoke alarm on each floor and outside each sleeping area. Carbon monoxide alarms are also required outside sleeping areas if the home has an attached garage, a wood stove or a fuel-fired appliance.

From Monday, June 3 to Monday, June 10, uniformed firefighters will:

  • Visit select residential areas between 3 and 8 pm on weekdays and 2 and 4 pm on weekends.
  • Offer to inspect and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Install smoke alarms and provide new batteries.
  • Share information on fire safety and home escape planning.
  • Leave a door hanger with fire safety information if no one is home.

This is a courtesy call only and all services are provided to residents for free. Residents are not obligated to provide firefighters access to their home.

To learn what is involved in a firefighter home visit, watch the Wake Up! video(link is external). Visit for more information on smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.


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