How to Become a Member
Please follow the steps below...
Step 1:
Select Join the OAFC at the bottom of our Member Login Box on our homepage
Step 2:
Once redirected to our Membership page, please review our 4 different types of Memberships and select the Register button on the one that is best suited for you.
Step 3:
After your membership is selected, please fill out the "New Member" information section - your username should follow the followig format: first.lastname
Step 4:
Once completed select the Create account and continue button at the bottom, this will then prompt you to select a Membership Option, select continue once selected.
Step 5:
Please review our Membership Declaration along with our Terms & Conditions
Step 6:
You will then be directed to our Order Information page, please note anything marked with a red * Astrix is required to be filled out
Step 7:
Once completed and your payment has gone through, please check the email you provided for your confirmation and order number.
If you have any further questions on how to become a member please reach out to Alexandra Kearns, Marketing and Member Services Coordinator at 905-426-9865 x 226 or by email at