'I lost everything'- A family left in the ashes after massive house fire on Manitoulin Island

CBC News

A massive house fire near Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island this week has left a family picking up the ashes of what is now left of their home.

Nevin Merrylees was born and raised on the island. He spent decades roaming the hundred-acre property that was passed on from generation to generation. It was finally handed to Merrylees who built a new cottage four years ago.

He says he lived in the home with his girlfriend and three sons. His sons are now 13-years-old, 10-years-old and 5-months-old. The house had no power or hydro. Instead, they relied on generators and solar panels.

"I was out there from day one, right when I was three years old. My dad always took us out there. My dad had a camp there and ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to build one out there and I did."

On June 23, the family watched the home burn to ashes. 

"Now, it's gone."

Merrylees says they woke up that day just like any other day. His girlfriend went to her mother's house to shower, just like she did every morning. He stayed with his newborn to change for his 10-year-old's baseball tournament. 

"We stayed for an extra couple of games there for some friends of ours that were playing… then we headed toward Gore Bay and we were picking asparagus on the side of the road."

He says his good friend called him saying his cottage was on fire. When they got to the site, they called the fire department who were on their way. It took the crew an hour and forty-five minutes to get to the burning building. 

"There was nothing we could do."

Merrylees says he had two dogs, Bruno and Piper. He had them for about five years and got them when they were just puppies. He also had one cat, Frank. All three were killed in the fire.

"The worst thing is the pets, we miss them lots. I actually buried them yesterday… Bruno, he's the oldest, he's 5. He'd go get me a beer in the fridge... Then we got Piper for the kids and we called her Hyper Piper."

Merrylees says he lost everything, including all of the tools he would use for his job as a general contractor. All that was left of his home was a couple of four-wheelers, a snow machine and a boat.

The local fire department says they couldn't determine the cause of the fire because there was nothing left of the home.

He explains, "the only thing I could see is the cat's tail and the propane stove."

Currently, the family is staying with his girlfriend's parents. Merrylees says he has plans to rebuild the house.

Dave Nadeau, a close cousin of Merrylees, has started a GoFundMe to help the family. He describes the incident as "a very sad situation."

He continues, "Manitoulin Island is known for helping neighbours and family and being a place that supports each other, so let's all help get them back on their feet during this difficult time."

As for Merrylees, he says, "I'm rebuilding no matter what, 100 per cent, that's my life out there."


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