Fred Blackstein Boulevard to be renamed May 1st

Pembroke Today

A name change is coming to Fred Blackstein Boulevard at Pembroke’s waterfront. At the request of Fred himself to city council, he requested the stretch of road near the boardwalk be named First Responders Way. According to Blackstein this will be the only street in Canada that recognizes first responders. He also requested that the name change come into effect on May 1st which is also proclaimed by the Province of Ontario as First Responders Day.

Blackstein has indicated that for almost 25 years he has been honoured to have this street bear his name; however, he states he has no family in the area for future generations and he feels a more relevant name of First Responders Way should be recognized. According to Fred this will be the only street in Canada that recognizes first responders.

Blackstein says he has already spoken to Pembroke’s Fire Chief, the OPP Inspector and Renfrew County’s Chief Paramedic and they are all supportive of this street name change.

The majority of city council was in favour of the move, except for Councilors Ian Kuehl and Andrew Plummer. Simply stating that there was no connection to the waterfront and area first responders.


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