January is Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. In recognition, the Municipality of North Perth is reinforcing its commitment to protecting its firefighters from occupational cancer risks. With cancer remaining a leading cause of firefighter line-of-duty deaths across North America, the Municipality is taking proactive measures to safeguard the health and well-being of its volunteer firefighters.
Firefighters are exposed to numerous carcinogens because of their work at emergency scenes, making cancer prevention a top priority. The Municipality has purchased advanced equipment and enhanced protocols to reduce exposure. Some of the equipment purchased was made possible through the Firefighter Protection Grant from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, a three-year funding program to support specific cancer prevention measures.
Investments in Firefighter Safety
To support the health and safety of its personnel, the department has recently introduced:
Enhanced Decontamination Equipment: A bunker gear extractor has been purchased for the Atwood Fire Station ensuring North Perth’s three fire stations are equipped with advanced gear cleaning systems to remove harmful toxins from personal protective equipment (PPE). An SCBA decon/washer will be installed at the Listowel station. This piece of equipment washes gloves, boots, helmets, masks, and air cylinders. Additionally, each of the department’s front-line apparatus will be equipped with air filtration systems.
On-Scene Decontamination Equipment: Firefighters will have access to specialized equipment designed to reduce field contaminants from their gear on scene.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Upgrades: The department continues to invest in high-quality, state-of-the-art PPE to provide maximum protection against harmful particulates. Additional particulate hoods have been purchased for firefighters.
Health and Wellness Committee: North Perth’s Health & Wellness Committee meets regularly to discuss issues impacting the health and well-being of our firefighting personnel. This committee collaborates to develop practical solutions including enhanced firefighter rehabilitation on scene, access to mental health resources, blood donation to reduce PFAS levels, NPFD appreciation events, etc. “We are committed to ensuring our firefighters have the tools and knowledge they need to stay safe on the job and in their personal lives,” said Janny Pape, Fire Chief of the North Perth Fire Department. “Cancer prevention is a year-round effort, and we are dedicated to implementing best practices and providing resources to protect our team.”
The North Perth Fire Department encourages the community to show support by learning more about firefighter occupational cancer risks and prevention measures.