An open air burning reminder from Ajax Fire & Emergency Services

Town of Ajax

Ajax Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind residents that open air burning is not permitted in the Town of Ajax without a permit and most properties do not meet the requirements in the by-law. This restriction applies to any outdoor wood burning appliances, including chimineas and outdoor fireplaces, as well as campfires and bonfires.

Residents who violate the open air burning by-law may be subject to the cost of the call and/or prosecution under the Ontario Fire Code.


“Open air burning creates a potential fire hazard in the community and infringes on people’s rights to enjoy their property free from smoke odours. The department’s resources are also depleted by fire crews having to respond to false alarms and complaints created by open air burning”. - Melissa Balson, Public Educator, Ajax Fire and Emergency Services   

Quick Facts

  • An individual convicted of an offence under the Ontario Fire Code can face a fine as high as $50,000 and/or imprisonment.
  • Cooking on an outdoor fireplace or chiminea does not make it legal.
  • Outdoor wood burning appliances present a potential fire hazard to combustibles such as buildings, decks, patio furnishings, fences and dry vegetation.
  • The smoke and odours produced by the appliances are the primary reasons the fire department receives complaints.

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