CO awareness week

Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services reminds residents that carbon monoxide detectors should be in all homes with fuel burning appliances, a fireplace or an attached garage.

Those appliances should also be inspected annually, says Fire Chief Peter Johnson.

“In Ontario, more than 65 per cent of injuries and deaths from CO occur in the home. We want to make sure everyone is safe from CO,” he said.

Fuel burning appliances can include furnaces, hot water heaters, gas or wood fireplaces, portable fuel-burning heaters and generators, barbeques, stoves and vehicles.

CO is known as the silent killer because it is an invisible, tasteless and odourless gas that can be deadly. It is produced when fuels such as propane, gasoline, natural gas, heating oil or wood do not burn completely in fuel-burning appliances.

For CO safety tips visit 

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