Change your clock, change your batteries, urges Scugog Fire Department

SCUGOG — The Scugog Fire Department is once again urging residents to change the batteries in their home alarms when the clocks fall back this weekend.

Daylight time comes to an end on Sunday, Nov. 4.

“We’re encouraging people at this time of year that when they change their clocks to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors,” said Gord Gettins, Scugog’s chief fire prevention officer.

Those with wired alarms in their home that run on electricity are also encouraged to test their alarms, he added.

Under Ontario law, homes must have a working smoke alarm on each level of a home as well as a carbon monoxide detector on each floor with sleeping quarters.

Homeowners found without working alarms face fines ranging from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, warned Gettins.

The Scugog Fire Department continued its Alarmed For Life program in 2018, which saw firefighters visit homes across the township to check alarms. Traditionally, a large number of homes inspected have not been compliant with the provincial legislation.

“It’s not great, we’re still very disappointed,” said Gettins of the 2018 results. “We’re still finding many people without inoperable smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.”

For more information about fire safety, call 905-985-2384 or visit the Port Perry fire hall at 30 Crandell St.

Link to original article in Durham Change your clock, change your batteries, urges Scugog Fire Department

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