Company Profile

Company Overview
CODE4 Fire & Rescue has been committed to the Rescue field since 1984. We are a company that specializes in “Jaws of Life” Extrication Rescue, HURST/Vetter/Air Bag (Lifting Bag) Rescue and Specialized Vehicular Rescue.
In addition, we provide product support to the Police Services of this country. We are responsible for sales, service and Training on our Hurst “Jaws of Life” Products. We also provide Specialized Training at our Code4 Fire & Rescue Training and Technical Services Facility in Hagersville, Ontario, as well as on-site Training to Fire Departments across Ontario and Eastern Canada.
Code4 Fire & Rescue welcomes new recruits, those who have graduated from community college as well as full – time paid Firefighters. Code4 Fire & Rescue has a large training staff that provides expert training in all aspects of vehicular extrication. Code 4 Fire & Rescue is responsible for an estimated Thousand Hurst “Jaws of Life” Systems and Thousands of Tools in Manitoba, Ontario and Eastern Canada. Code4 Fire & Rescue also offers extensive maintenance contracts to our customers. As always, Code4 Fire & Rescue is proud to “Serve Those Who Serve Others”