Auxiliary Firefighters for Kincardine

Kincardine council has tentatively approved a plan to create a Firefighter Auxiliary Program in the municipality.

Formal approval will come at the July 11th council meeting.

Fire Chief Kent Padfield says they want to create an auxiliary program to hold onto prospective volunteer firefighters who may not get hired the first time around.

The idea is to have auxiliary members train with the firefighters so when a position opens up, they could have an opportunity to apply and become a regular member of the Fire Department.

Padfield says during the recruitment process, they usually receive more applicants than the number of positions available.

He says, they'll be assigned equipment and will go through the training regimen so that should a position open up, they will have qualified applicants to choose from.

Padfield says the program will likely come into force, during the next round of hiring which he expects in early 2019.

The auxiliary members will train with regular firefighters and after reaching a pre-determined level and when approved by the Fire Chief, will be allowed to attend emergency calls and assist in tasks that are considered non-life-threatening.

Auxiliary members will not receive any remuneration for their work but will be paid once they become a recognized volunteer firefighter.

Chair of the Emergency Services Committee and Kincardine Councillor Randy Roppel loves the idea and is glad it's finally coming to fruition.

Roppel calls it a "bonus for (the) municipality and a bonus for the new firefighters coming aboard."

Link to original article in Bayshore Auxiliary Firefighters for Kincardine

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