South Huron honours firefighters at council meeting

The Wiarton Echo

SOUTH HURON – Council took time at the beginning of its March 18 meeting to pay tribute to several members of the South Huron Fire Department for their years of service.

“Tonight, we gather to recognize and express our deepest gratitude to our brave, professional volunteer firefighters who have dedicated years, and even decades, to protecting our communities,” Mayor George Finch said. “These patriotic heroes have selflessly placed themselves in harm’s way countless times to protect all of us. . . . While others are running away from danger, you are the ones that are running towards it.”

Awards were given to firefighters for years of experience ranging from five years to 50 years of experience for two longtime volunteers, Jim Hoffman and John Becker of the Dashwood station. Firefighters each received plaques and posed for photos with the mayor, fire Chief Jeremy Becker and family members. Supporters filled the council chambers.

“When we consider that 85 per cent of all firefighters across Canada are professional volunteers, we in South Huron are so fortunate and thankful to have the best of them,” Finch said.

Becker also paid tribute to the family members who support the firefighters.

“These are the people who allow their family members to leave at the drop of a hat. They miss dinners, they miss hockey games, could be gone for hours on end. This is a truly special family and we are blessed in South Huron to have so many families make up this great department,” he said.

Receiving awards were: John Becker and Jim Hoffman (50 years); Jamie Hoffman (25 years); Brian Martene (15 years); Jayden Desjardine, Angela Gould, Matt Miller and Jamie Hodge (10 years); and Marshall Jeffery, Greg Gielen and Nathan Bedard (five years).

Chief Becker also recognized South Huron firefighters Gielen, Jeff Van Niekirk and Chelsea Brintnell for completing their National Fire Protection Association 1001 and 1002 firefighter certifications in 2023. Becker said three more South Huron firefighters are working toward their certification this year. The department also has eight new recruits: six for the Dashwood station and two for Exeter.

“Thank you for everything,” the chief said to the group.


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