Fire chief receives prominent recognition

With retirement drawing closer, the Swift Current fire chief has received a highly-ranked professional designation.

Denis Pilon found out the news Wednesday morning that his designation had been upgraded to Executive Chief Fire Officer (ECFO) by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs.

Even though Pilon will be retiring at the end of August, he believed obtaining it was about staying current and keeping up with what's happening in the fire service right until the bitter end.

"It's a designation that I welcome and I cherish and I look forward to being able to put it on the backend of my signature block," he said. "No there is no more money [that comes with it] or anything like that, but it's more about that when you stand up and talk that you're being recognized as a professional."

The designation recognizes fire chiefs on their education, community work, experience, and Association of Fire Chiefs work.

"To me, it means I'm right up there with some of the best fire chiefs in the country," Pilon said. "There are a group of people that work very hard with the associations and with their fire departments, they're well educated and they're the leaders in fire service on the country. I'm on that list with them so that makes me very proud."

Pilon isn't sure what they will do in terms of recognition but thinks he will receive a certificate just like when he previously was designated as Chief Fire Officer.

The Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs currently lists less than 50 fire chiefs that have obtained this distinction.

Link to original article in Swift Water Online: n

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