Careless smoking continues to be top cause of Hamilton house fires, data shows

CBC News

Fire Chief David Cunliffe said the trend is 'very disturbing' because the fires are 'absolutely preventable'


Careless smoking continues to be the top cause of Hamilton house fires, according to city data.

"It's very disturbing," Fire Chief David Cunliffe told CBC Hamilton.

"These are absolutely preventable fires."

Of the residential fires with known causes last year, 37 started because of careless smoking.

The data shows arson was behind 29 fires and electrical or mechanical failures sparked 27 fires.

It is the third consecutive year careless smoking was the top cause of Hamilton residential fires.

Since 2020, careless smoking was responsible for 151 house fires.

Across Ontario, unattended cooking and careless smoking are the most common causes of house fires, Nancy Macdonald-Duncan, director of fire investigations with Ontario's fire marshal previously said.

Cunliffe said some examples of how careless smoking fires have started include people falling asleep while smoking, sticking their cigarette butts in between the boards of their decks and putting them out in potted plants.

That said, Cunliffe noted all the top causes of house fires in Hamilton are behaviour-based and are preventable.

"The challenge is to try and change or sway behaviour," he said.

Some advice for people trying to avoid fires includes:

  • Never smoke when you are in bed.
  • Check seat cushions and floors for cigarette butts before leaving the house or going to bed.
  • Use deep, non-combustible ashtrays and empty ashes into non-combustible containers like a coffee tin and let it cool for a day before throwing it out.
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children.

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