Milliken Mine Road fire extensively damages mobile home

Fire Chief John Thomas announced today that on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019, at 16:01 hrs the Elliot Lake Fire Department received a call for a working fire at 139 Milliken Mine Road.

Upon arrival on-scene, the fire department crew confirmed one mobile home trailer had flames showing. Fire crews had difficulty extinguishing the fire due to heavy fuel load. There were also no hydrants at this location and water had to be shuttled by a second pumper.

Fire was declared out at 20:00 hrs. Fire investigation concluded the cause was accidental.

Estimated loss was $45,000 and there are no injuries to report.

Fire Chief John Thomas would like to remind the public to be cautious when drying items around a wood stove.

Link to original article on Milliken Mine Road fire extensively damages mobile home

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