Stratford fire takes over dispatching services for Town of Goderich

The Stratford Fire Department will soon be handling fire dispatch services for the Town of Goderich.

At Tuesday’s Stratford council meeting, city politicians approved an agreement for Stratford to provide full-time dispatching services to the Goderich Fire Department for a one-year trial period, bringing in $12,000 in additional revenue in 2020 – about one dollar per resident in the Goderich service area.

“We’d already been providing them with backup dispatch services for 10 years, so they decided to reach out to us to see if we’d take it on full time,” Stratford fire Chief John Paradis said. “It just made the most sense. We’re very reasonably priced. We already have the communications setup with them in order to get them on the road, so it was just extremely convenient.”

According to Paradis, the addition of the Goderich service area to the responsibilities of Stratford’s dispatch centre will not impact the current workload and will require no additional staff. If dispatch services meet the town’s expectations, he said Goderich may consider a longer contract in the future.

Goderich fire Chief Darren Doak said the town’s fire service had been using the dispatch centre at Goderich’s Alexandra Marine and General Hospital.

“The contract was running out and the hospital itself wanted out of the business,” Doak said. “… And come 2023, we had to be out of there anyway because of the new rules.

… They’re changing where you actually physically have to be – out of a 911 call centre – and then there’s certain standards the call centre has to meet for dispatch.”

The new rules governing 911 dispatch centres were published in the Next-Generation 9-1-1 report by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission earlier this year based on the recommendations made during inquests into the deaths of three people in Sudbury in 2013.

While Doaks said there is no cost savings associated with the new agreement, Stratford was the town’s next best option because the communications system is already in place between the Stratford dispatch centre and the Goderich Fire Department.

Link to original article on Stratford fire takes over dispatching services for Town of Goderich

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