New tanker truck a ‘lot of money’

The Prince Township Volunteer Fire Department’s tanker truck is well past its best before date, and fire Chief Steve Hemsworth warned council that replacing it could be costly.

The most recent quote Hemsworth received for a new, custom built tanker was close to $400,000.

Speaking at council’s regular October meeting, Hemsworth explained that the department’s 1984 Ford tanker truck cannot be certified by Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) as a firefighting vehicle, because it is more than 30 years old.

ULC tests products for public safety, including fire trucks, and assigns each truck a number, Hemsworth told council.

ULC also sets fire insurance rates for both residential and commercial properties in communities protected by fire departments.

What this means is that insurance rates for property owners in rural communities the size of Prince could rise if their fire departments do not replace vehicles that fail to meet ULC standards.

“Because we’re over 1,000 people, the age of a truck for a front-run apparatus (i.e. the first vehicle to respond at a fire scene) has to be 15 years or less,” Hemsworth said.

“Once you get over 15 years of age, it can be put down to second-run status (i.e. a truck sent out to assist the first). Over 20 years, you can put it into reserve, and you could run it up to 30.  After 30, it’s no longer considered a fire truck.

“It’s too old, it’s not reliable.  You’re leaving yourself open to liability if your pump breaks down in a fire or your truck breaks down on the way to a fire,” Hemsworth said.

In Prince’s case, there’s no real difference between a second-run vehicle and a reserve vehicle, he added.

Presently, the fire department’s pumper truck and rescue van meet ULC standards, but Hemsworth noted that the pumper truck is 24 years old.

The optimal arrangement, he said, would be to “kill two birds with one stone” by purchasing a new tanker truck with a pump attached. If the pump were capable of pumping 800 gallons of water a minute, the new tanker would meet ULC standards for a pumper truck and could be used as a front-run vehicle.

“Right now, if something happens to our pumper, we’re dead in the water,” Hemsworth said.

And if the new tanker had sufficient compartment space, it could carry the equipment now stored in the rescue van.

Additional equipment, such as wildland firefighting gear, could be stored in a small trailer, Hemsworth suggested.

If the Ministry of Natural Resources requested help from the fire department in fighting a remote wildland fire, the trailer could be hitched to a pickup truck and towed to the staging area.

Under the proposed arrangement, the fire department keep the present pumper truck until it reaches the 30-year limit but sell the old tanker and the rescue van on the open market.

A small contracting business might be able to use the old tanker as a water truck, Hemsworth suggested.

Council’s response to Hemsworth’s proposal was cautious.

“It’s a lot of money,” said Coun. Ian. Chambers.

Hemsworth agreed, but pointed out that a new tanker would have a 30-year lifespan.

Coun. Michael Matthews said he liked the idea of adding a pump to a new tanker truck, which would enable the fire department to respond to fire calls if the pumper truck needed servicing.

Coun. Enzo Palumbo asked whether Hemsworth had obtained price quotes for used tankers as well as new ones.

Hemsworth replied that he’d submitted numerous online queries to suppliers of used firefighting apparatus for sale in Canada and the U.S.  So far, he’d found nothing that suited the township’s needs.

Only rural fire departments buy tanker trucks, he said, and they usually run them for 20 to 30 years.

Coun. Dave Amadio asked Hemsworth to prepare a three-year budgetary plan for the fire department.  If the township had to spend $400,000 on a new tanker, the cost could be spread over the rest of the present council’s term, Amadio said.

Mayor Ken Lamming said he’d like to look at the amounts council had allotted to the fire department’s reserves in recent years then revisit the issue of the new tanker truck during next year’s budget discussions.

“That still gives you time to look around for (used) vehicles,” Lamming told Hemsworth.

Hemsworth replied that he and Jim Boissineau, the deputy fire chief, had been looking since March.

“Had we been able to pick up a good used apparatus, we certainly would have done it by now,” Hemsworth said.

Link to original article on New tanker truck a ‘lot of money’

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