
Deputy Chief Ian Shetler Announces Retirement

On Monday November 4th, 2013 Deputy Chief Ian Shetler announced that on December 31st, 2013, he will be retiring from the Greater Napanee Fire Service.  His last official day in the office will be December 13th, 20

Fire chief readying for retirement

Fire chief readying for retirement - ESSA TWP - Fire Chief Paul Macdonald is hopeful the township will be able to find a successor within the fire department to take over his position when he retires later this year.

Georgina fire chief to retire

November 23, 2012 Georgina fire chief to retire - Bill O’Neill will step down as Georgina’s fire chief at the end of the year after 32 years of service with the Georgina fire department.

New Gravenhurst fire chief announced - Lorne McNeice retires

October 12, 2012 New Gravenhurst fire chief announced - Lorne McNeice retires - GRAVENHURST – The town will be losing some 40 years of firefighting experience but picking up almost as much.

Grand Valley firefighter retires after 45 years

After 45 years of extinguishing fires that threaten Grand Valley and area, Paul Agar is hanging up the various hats he’s worn as a firefighter.

OAFC Executive Director Announces Retirement

Despite our best hopes we knew at some point this day would come.