Retired fire chief appointed as interim leader of Southwold department

Don Crocker has been appointed as the interim fire chief of the Southwold fire department after Chief Gary Wilson died suddenly in June.

Crocker has almost 40 years worth of firefighting experience under his belt. He held the position of chief at different departments before making his way to Central Elgin where he served as fire chief for 17 years. He retired two years ago.

Crocker had helped out in the Southwold fire department a few other times over a number of years.

“Whenever they needed an extra hand, I helped,” he said.

The Elgin County fire departments work together and Crocker knew a lot about the Southwold service. When the township offered him a three month contract recently, he jumped in to help.

“It’s a bit of an open-ended contract in a sense because if they can’t get a new fire chief hired in that timeframe, then it could be a bit longer,” Crocker said.

During his short time as interim fire chief in Southwold, Crocker’s main focus will be firefighter and general public safety.

“It’s a difficult spot to be in,” Crocker said. “The former chief suddenly passed so you’re trying to figure out where he left off.”

The fact that Crocker knows the department well has helped the transition.

“The (firefighters) are thankful that somebody’s in for the short term that they know versus a complete stranger,” Crocker said. “They know what I’m like and how I run the fire service.”

Even though he’s been retired for two years, he’s kept his mind in the fire service world. Crocker has been teaching in the fire prevention program at Fanshawe College.

Southwold’s chief administrator Lisa Higgs said Crocker’s experience and the fact that he was the interim fire chief in the township on two previous occasions made him an easy choice.

“He knows the area. He gives a great local perspective and he knows the other fire chiefs. We know that Don can immediately gain the respect of the entire fire service,” Higgs said.

The township has already published a job posting for a permanent part-time fire chief in a variety of publications. Higgs said it’s anticipated the interim chief will only be for a few months.

Link to original article in St. Thomas Retired fire chief appointed as interim leader of Southwold department

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