Fire department on the lookout for two new recruits

A group of dedicated St. Thomas firefighters braved the sweltering heat Thursday afternoon to take part in confined space training – just one example of the commitment and devotion it takes to be a member of the fire service.

The St. Thomas Fire Department is looking for two of the right people who possess the skills and knowledge to join its service.

By the end of 2018, there will be two firefighter positions open due to mandatory retirement at the age of 60, a provision in the collective agreement with the St. Thomas Professional Firefighters Association.

Two temporary firefighters will be hired before the expected retirements, so they can be trained properly before filling the permanent positions.

“We’re trying to be proactive. Have people ready to go so that when those two individuals retire, we have people ready to hit the floor and fill in those spots,” said deputy Chief Ray Ormerod.

Hiring two more firefighters would increase the regular staffing roster. In a report to council, Chief Bob Davidson justified the decision by pointing out that probationary firefighters have to complete a minimum of 30 days training and orientation before they’re “operational.” Waiting until vacancies occurred before hiring new employees would actually cost more in overtime pay for regular firefighters while the new recruits are trained.

“Bringing somebody in early allows us to pay them at a lower rate, get them trained up, get their gear and everything ready so the day that individual retires, there’s no incurrence, in a perfect world, of additional overtime,” Ormerod said.

The St. Thomas fire department has four platoons with 13 members on each. In each platoon, one member is a communications officer, three are officers and nine are firefighters.

The department held a career night for the first time Wednesday and invited those interested in the two positions to attend.

“We were expecting 25 people, we ended up with, I think, 62,” Ormerod said.

The St. Thomas fire service doesn’t have any female firefighters, though the communications officers for each of the four platoons are female.

Ormerod said he was pleased to see about eight women at the career night.

Necessarily qualifications to be considered for a position with the fire department include, legally able to work in Canada, minimum age of 18, able to pass basic medical testing and physical assessment, and a variety of other professional certifications.

St. Thomas fire department training officer Ryan Guay said being a part of the service is an honour.

“Each day firefighters come to work they get the opportunity to help out members of the community and we all take pride in that,” Guay said.

The application process for this recruitment round closes July 27.

Link to original article in St. Thomas Fire department on the lookout for two new recruits

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