OAFC Home Fire Sprinkler Working Group

OAFC Home Fire Sprinkler Working Group

The purpose of the OAFC Home Fire Sprinkler Working Group is to review and address matters of life and fire safety related to home fire sprinklers. The working group is also responsible for drafting policies, procedures and legislation for recommendation to the Board of Directors.

The OAFC Home Fire Sprinkler Working Group falls under the Development Services portfolio of the OAFC. The working group is expected to raise and discuss issues of concern that affect OAFC members, which relate to home fire sprinklers. When necessary, the committee is expected to make recommendations, via the Chair, to the Board of Directors for further action or resolution. This working group will also address issues submitted to them by the Board for deliberation and recommendation. The working group does not lobby for legislative change to sprinkler legislation, but can identify potential roadblocks within statue that may impede or delay the voluntary installation of home sprinklers.

Working group roles include the discussion of home fire sprinkler issues raised by the Board of Directors, OAFC members, OAFC committees or government agencies. The working group may engage in discussion, research, data collection and the review of existing or emerging procedures or guidelines. The working group may invite speakers or content experts as approved by the Executive Director. The working group will report back to the Board for further action or resolution of issues. Meeting minutes will be maintained by OAFC staff and will be posted on the OAFC website for member reference.

Review the OAFC Home Fire Sprinkler Working Group Terms of Reference for more information.