Fixing a broken gas line in Orillia is taking longer than first thought.

“Last night, where the leak started from, there was an attempt at patching the line,” says Orillia’s Acting Fire Chief, Brent Thomas, “that was unsuccessful on two attempts, so they have to now excavate more area and cut out a section of pipe and weld in. To do that safely, it’ll take a considerable amount of time and resources.”

Thomas adds Enbridge Gas, in charge of the repairs, estimated on Wednesday morning that the job could take hours. “It is anticipated that it’ll be afternoon or early evening, but there’s no one that is giving any indication of the time frame.”

While the repairs continue, some folks in the affected area were left without gas. “They’ve been doing well,” commented Acting Chief Thomas, “we’ve outreached regularly, through fire and Enbridge, just to make sure the homes were okay until the leak could be stopped, and we’ve been touching base with them regularly to make sure their needs are met.”

The gas line was cut during construction on nearby sewer infrastructure.

Link to original article on barrie360.com: ORILLIA GAS LINE REPAIRS TAKING LONGER THAN EXPECTED

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