Four teens charged after fire destroys only school in northwestern Ont. First Nation

Yahoo! News

FORT HOPE, Ont. — Four teens have been charged in connection with a fire that destroyed a northwestern Ontario First Nation's only school last week.

Nishnawbe Aski police say the suspects are three boys aged 13, 14 and 17, and a 13-year-old girl.

They are each facing multiple charges, including arson with disregard for human life and arson with damage to property.

Police say the 17-year-old is also charged with possession of break-in instruments and assaulting a peace officer. None of the teens can be identified due to their age.

Police say the fire broke out Thursday morning at the John C. Yesno Education Centre in Eabametoong First Nation.

Eabametoong's chief and band council have said the community is devastated by the loss of the school, which will affect about 300 students from junior kindergarten to Grade 9.


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