All ice is risky, warns Ajax fire department

Cold weather doesn't guarantee solid ice

Residents are asked to keep a close eye on children and pets near ice.


No ice is completely safe, says the Ajax fire department.

Ajax Fire and Emergency Services is reminding residents that ice on open waterways is always risky. Many factors affect the thickness of the ice, such as the depth, size of the body of water, the location and the time of year.

The conditions can change rapidly because of other environmental factors, such as changing temperature and currents.

“Although the temperatures have been below freezing the last few days, it is not safe to be on the ice,” said Shelley Langer, Ajax fire prevention inspector. "Please keep a close eye on children and pets that may be tempted to run on and play on the ice.”


• The colour of ice can be an indication of its strength. Clear blue ice is the strongest, while white opaque or snow ice is half as strong as blue ice. Opaque ice is formed by wet snow that's freezing on the ice. Grey ice is unsafe, as the greyness indicates the presence of water.

• No ice is 100 per cent safe. Even thick ice can weaken if it has frozen and thawed repeatedly.

• Most drownings occur in water colder than 20 degrees Celsius.

• Cold weather doesn’t guarantee solid and safe ice. A sudden drop in air temperature can create cracks.

• Snow doesn't strengthen the ice — it acts as an insulating blanket and can hinder ice formation.


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