Grey Highlands fire chief receives 20-year honour


Grey Highlands Fire Chief Marty Wellwood has been a member of the fire department for more than 20 years


Grey Highlands Fire Chief Marty Wellwood has received a special honour.

At council’s meeting on Feb. 21, Wellwood was presented with the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal from the Ontario Fire Marshal to recognize his 20 years of service.

Mayor Paul McQueen presented the medal at the start of the meeting. McQueen said Wellwood has spent 20 years “improving and safeguarding the lives of residents of Grey Highlands.”

“It is a privilege to present this medal,” he said.

Wellwood spent years serving the fire department in various volunteer capacities. In 2017, he became chief of the department.

“He has been an integral part of the Grey Highlands emergency management team and holds a key position on the senior management team,” said CAO Karen Govan. “Under Chief Wellwood’s guidance, Grey Highlands Fire Services has flourished, providing leadership and support to two full-time staff and nearly 50 volunteer firefighters across two fire stations.”

The medal presentation comes just days after a significant fire event in Grey Highlands. On Feb. 16, the fire department responded to a large barn fire on Highway 10 just south of Markdale. At the same time as their incident, there were three separate unrelated car accidents requiring the attention of firefighters.

“It’s an honour to receive this,” Wellwood said after receiving the medal. “I’m proud to be a member and I’m proud to be fire chief.”

A Grey Highlands news release on the presentation stated: “His leadership style, characterized by compassion, dedication, and unwavering support, ensures the safety and well-being of the firefighters under his command and the residents of Grey Highlands. Chief Wellwood's efforts have also been instrumental in fostering a sense of community and teamwork among the volunteer firefighters, ensuring that the fire service remains robust and responsive to the needs of our community.

A long-standing resident of Grey Highlands, Chief Wellwood is a familiar face in the community and is appreciated for his professional achievements and commitment to the community's well-being. He is known for his readiness to go above and beyond in his duties, community involvement, and heartfelt commitment to making Grey Highlands safer and more connected.”


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