Elizabethtown-Kitley appoints new fire chief

The Recorder & Times

Elizabethtown-Kitley Township officially has a new fire chief.


The municipality announced Friday that Captain Jeff Sargent, who is currently acting as the deputy chief of the Elizabethtown-Kitley Fire Department, will take on the top role beginning Feb. 5, after being a volunteer member of the service since 1996.

“I would like to congratulate Captain Sargent on his upcoming appointment to Fire Chief of our esteemed fire department,” Mayor Brant Burrow said in a statement.

“As a lifelong resident of the township and with his dedication and commitment to our residents and community, as well as to the fire profession as a whole, we are proud to call him one of our own. Council and I were unanimous in our decision and are thrilled to make this announcement today.”

The township says Sargent brings a wealth of knowledge and leadership experience from his role in the private sector and his 28 years of service to the fire department.

He began at the local service in January 1996 before becoming a captain in 2006. His most recent promotion saw him providing support to the department as the acting deputy chief in recent months, township officials said.

During this time, he has provided “dedicated service to the community, positive forward-thinking leadership and truly values the role that each resident, staff member, business and organization plays in making Elizabethtown-Kitley a great community,” they stated in a press release.

Sargent said he was grateful for the opportunity to become the department’s new leader.

“As a township resident (born and raised) and a longtime member of EKFD, I am enthusiastic about this opportunity and look forward to continuing to serve my community in this role,” said Sargent in a written statement.

“Thank you to the mayor, council, staff and our members for placing their trust in me with this important role, and to my family for their endless support.”

Sargent’s appointment comes after the abrupt departures of the fire chief Andy Guilboard and deputy chief Greg Healey in October of last year. The reasons for their departures were not made public.

The absence of a chief and deputy led council to appoint Leslie Drynan, the township’s administrator clerk, as the fire service’s interim chief, setting into motion the process to recruit a new chief.

Drynan said she was delighted that Sargent accepted the job.

“His transition into this new role reflects our commitment to nurturing and promoting talent,” Drynan said in a statement.

“With extensive experience in the fire service, coupled with his proven leadership capabilities, Sargent is well equipped to lead our department into the future.”

The fire chief is responsible for the overall management and operation of the township’s fire department, including administration, fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency response, training, fire code enforcement and public education and community relations.

In this role, the fire chief “provides leadership and technical expertise regarding the development and implementation of service levels, policies and long-range strategies, operating and capital budgets,” township officials said in their announcement.

“I am confident that he and our team of dedicated fire service personnel will not only continue to uphold the core values that underpin past successes but also drive progress to ensure that challenges are met, and opportunities are realized – all in service to the community,” Drynan said.

On Friday, the administator clerk said once Sargent takes over as chief on Feb. 5, “one of the first tasks will be to propose to council that we start recruiting for a deputy.”


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