Greenstone appoints new fire chief

GREENSTONE — The Municipality of Greenstone has selected its next fire chief. 

Council officially appointed Adam Lopatka, from the Greater Sudbury Area, as the municipality’s new fire chief and director of fire services during their meeting earlier this week. 

Lopatka is currently employed with EMS and has 10 years of experience with the Greater Sudbury Fire Services where he holds the title of captain at the volunteer station in Lively.

Greenstone Mayor James McPherson said this experience will greatly benefit the community. 

“He understands emergency services, he was a technician for [EMS],” he said. “Certainly, his strength is wanting to work with people and work with the different district chiefs. So that's what we wanted, it was someone who's wants to work, wants to learn and certainly understands volunteer fire departments.” 

Lopatka is relocating to Nakina from the Greater Sudbury Area with his wife and children, and McPherson said that he’s sure he’ll integrate well with the community. 

“He’s from a small area so he’s comfortable with the smaller communities and very much worked with the volunteer fire department, so that's the key, he's worked with the volunteer fire departments and understands what we need and wants to be involved in the community,” he said. 

“Also, he has a young family, so he'll be seen in the community as he does things with his kids.” 

Lopatka is taking over for Ryan Pitre, Nipigon’s fire chief, who has served as interim fire chief for Greenstone since the departure of Jeff Lipskie earlier this year. 

McPherson said that the community is thankful to Pitre for his service and hopes that the time spent working with the community bolsters the relationship between Greenstone and Nipigon. 

“He worked well with our staff and we're extremely grateful for him helping us out and he's willing and extended the offer to help with getting the new chief up to speed, that's huge,” he said. 

“And now we have that relationship between the Nipigon/Red Rock departments, the Greenstone department if we need things back and forth for the mutual aid. Ryan certainly understands what we have at this end and if we can help them or they need to help us, he'll understand what is needed between the departments.” 

Lopatka will begin his new role with the municipality on Sept. 11. 


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