Company Profile

Fisher's Regalia & Uniform Accoutrements Co. Ltd.


Mark Tullock
Fisher's Regalia & Uniform Accoutrements Co. Ltd.
1 King Street, Unit 8
Barrie ON L4N 6B5

Company Overview


I’ve spent a lifetime being influenced by my father’s actions. I wasn’t old enough to witness his service in the Royal Air Force in World War 2, stationed in the Middle East. I wasn’t old enough to witness his personalized service to customers when he was a salesman both in Great Britain and in Canada. But when I was old enough to understand what an attitude of servitude was, the best living example was my father. Bob (R.J.) Fisher understood that people and not profits had to come first if any business was going to experience success..

The early years of Fisher’s Regalia saw my father travel across Canada by car in an effort to introduce our company and to foster strong relationships with emergency service personnel and their associations. These relationships still exist today because of his caring and hard work.

This “Legacy of Service” has now been passed on to a second generation. We understand my fathers dedication and innovation but more importantly as we celebrate the 39th anniversary of Fisher’s Regalia we understand that you the customer were the driving force behind my father’s push for service excellence and I thank you for that.

This aspect of our business will NEVER change. Not on my watch! You can continue to expect the best buying experience in Canada when you shop at Fisher’s. Our attitude is best summed up in our mission statement. 


“To proudly serve those who routinely put their lives on the line for perfect strangers, and treat them the way they don’twant to be treated…like heroes!”

Company Offerings
