Officials demonstrate traffic congestion around school

After years of parking enforcement blitzes near Windsor schools, parents continue to drop off their children in no stopping zones, so officials took a different approach on Tuesday morning.

Using a fire truck, officials demonstrated the danger posed by what they called “illegal drop-off congestion.”

The truck was driven slowly down Chilver Road past an elementary school just before class when cars clog traffic on that street.

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services, Windsor Police Services, Parking Enforcement, Environmental Services, and officials with the Greater Essex County District School Board took part in the demonstration.

Deputy Fire Chief Andrea DeJong said if people do not start obeying the signage near schools, someone is going to get hurt.

“We needed to find a way to send home the message that dropping kids off right next to a school in a no stopping zone is dangerous,” she said. “Fire trucks, ambulances, even police cruisers are hard-pressed to get past congestion like we see around schools. We hope today’s demonstration is a wake-up call.”

DeJong said parents have other options. They could choose to park a block away from the school and walk with their children or allow their children to walk from home. She also recommended just letting kids take the bus if they are eligible.

“Buses at some schools arrive half full as parents choose to drive their kids instead,” read a release from DeJong.

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