Cornwall toddler meets first responder heroes after traffic accident

Seaway News

Cornwall, Ontario — In a heartfelt gathering at the Cornwall Fire Station last week, three-year-old Jonah met the first responders who assisted him and his family after a serious car accident on the evening of April 10, 2024, at Fourth Street and Sydney Street. Jonah, who was rushed to CHEO with significant injuries, is making a promising recovery.

Fire Chief Matthew Stephenson expressed his gratitude to all involved. Cst. Andrew Booth-Reddick, Cst. Crosby, Cst. MacGillivray, Dispatcher Marcotte, and Dispatcher Ferland of the CPS were among those recognized for their roles in assisting Jonah and his family.

Cst. Booth-Reddick reflected on the moment: “Seeing Jonah return with a smiling face after all he had been through with his family is one of those opportunities we as emergency services workers cherish. Watching the situation go from tragedy to a happy ending will be something we all will remember.”

“Jonah’s reaction was priceless when he walked into the room filled with the communities’ heroes from the Cornwall Police Service, Cornwall Fire Service, and SDG Paramedic Service. Jonah’s smile to seeing the heroes of the community lined up for him truly embodied the spirit of hope,” Booth-Reddick added.


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