FireCon 2024 - Track I - Emergency Management and IMS 100 - When Simple Becomes Complex

September 6 - 7, 2024

Thunder Bay ON

TRACK I:  Emergency Management and IMS 100 - When Simple Becomes Complex

2 Day Package $455.00 HST

Course Description

There are four training components to this track:

  1. Emergency Management 101 - An overview of emergency management theory and principles in Ontario as well as best practices for planning and response
  2. IMS 100 – Introduction on to the Incident Management System in Ontario
  3. Planning and Response Considerations - A focus on how simple incidents can evolve to more complex incidents and how teams and communities can support both planning and response efforts, within a framework that discusses an “whole of community” approach
  4. Table Top Exercise - The table top exercise will allow learners to walk through as a group all the concepts taught during the three training sessions


  • Conference September 6 - 7
  • Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks September 6 - 7
  • Receptions on the Trade Show Floor September 5 - 6
  • FireCon Banquet September 7
  • Trade Show access

You will need to book your own hotel accommodations.