September 5 - 7, 2024
Thunder Bay ON
TRACK F: 1021 Fire Officer I - BLENDED
3 Day Package $655.00 + HST
Course Description
This course provides students with timely information that aids in their daily performance as a fire officer. Topics covered include roles and responsibilities, administration, accountability, cultural diversity, health and safety, human resource management, public relations, functional leadership, incident command, inspection and investigation, budgeting process, basic strategic planning, and basic strategy and tactics. The Fire Officer I course is intended for the frontline fire officers with a supervisory role.
- Conference September 5 - 7
- Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks September 5 - 7
- Receptions on the Trade Show Floor September 5 - 6
- FireCon Banquet September 7
- Trade Show access
You will need to book your own hotel accommodations.