Thunder Bay ON
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TRACK E: NFPA 1033 Investigator - BLENDED
4 Day Package $855.00 + HST
Course Description
This blended course covers all investigative competencies associated with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, 2022 Edition, including Scientific Method, Origin and Cause, Scene Documentation, Scene Safety, Chemistry of Fire, Building Construction, and Scene Reconstructions. This course also provides in-depth instruction in all aspects of assessing and investigating fire scenes relevant to fire protection services and adheres to the NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2021 Edition, which is the guide to fire and explosion and investigation.
- Conference September 4 - 7
- Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks September 4 - 7
- Receptions on the Trade Show Floor September 5 - 6
- FireCon Banquet September 7
- Trade Show access
You will need to book your own hotel accommodations.