Committee Meetings and Round Tables

Committee Meetings and Round Tables

Committee Meetings and Open House and Round Tables Information

Committee Meetings and Open House

This year the following committee meetings will be open for non-committee members to attend. You must specify which committee meeting(s) you want to attend when registering. 

Wednesday November 20 - 8:30am to 10:15am 

  • Fire Prevention & Public Education Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Committee Meeting
  • Urban Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Health & Safety Advisory Committee Meeting

Wednesday November 20 - 10:30am to 12:00pm 

  • Training & Education Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Communications Committee Meeting
  • Rural-Suburban Advisory Committee Meeting

Round Tables

Operational, planning and management professionals from fire departments across the province are invited to come together to discuss current and emerging issues within the fire service. Designed after the Metro Fire Planners Conference, this interactive forum has been formatted for participants to share leading practices, seek ideas on how to mitigate challenges they are facing, and offer innovative ideas and solutions that they have found successful. Participants share local and provincial challenges, as well as highlighted best practices and lessons learned with other like-minded fire services.

To ensure that the discussion reviews topics important to our members, participants are asked to forward topics of interest to the OAFC in advance of the roundtable, which builds an intuitive, thought-provoking agenda. 

Past Round Table sessions have covered issues related to:

  • Performance measurement and data analysis

  • Organizational planning

  • Staffing and deployment models

  • Health and safety

  • Recruitment

  • Education and training

  • Shared services and regionalization

  • Labour relations issues