One new fire reported in northeastern Ont.

CTV News

There was one new wildland fire confirmed on Tuesday, bringing the number of active fires to five in the Northeast Fire Region.

Cochrane 10 is a 0.2-hectare fire located roughly 40 kilometres west of Attawapiskat, Ontario Forest Fires reported.

It is not under control.

Also still burning is the much larger Cochrane 9, a 1,500-hectare fire that is not yet under control. This fire is located about three kilometres east of Parson Lake and eight kilometres west of the Quebec border. Five crews are committed to this fire.

Cochrane 8 is a 35-hectare fire that is being observed. This fire is located about 57.5 kilometres northwest of Moosonee.

Cochrane 6 was remapped and is 13 hectares and is under control. This fire is located 20 kilometres northwest of Fort Severn off the coast of Hudson Bay. One Ontario Fire Ranger crew and a Coastal Ranger are assigned to this fire.

North Bay 5 remains under control. This 106-hectare wildland fire is located about three kilometres southeast of Cobalt.

The fire hazard varies from moderate to high across the Northeast Fire Region except for Espanola, which currently has a low fire hazard.


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