Inter Township Fire Department Recognizes Firefighters For Longstanding Service

Bayshore Broadcasting

The Inter Township Fire Department is recognizing some of its firefighters for their years of service.

An award event was held on Oct. 20 to recognize a combined total of 125 years of service to the community.

The recipients of this annual event include Ken Goldsmith for 40 years of service, Andy Redmond for 25 years, Mike Stewart for 20 years, and Rick Audette, Jeff Fries, Dave Guichelaar, and Jason Hellyer for 10 years of service.

Joint Board of Management Chair and Georgian Bluffs Mayor Sue Carleton says these awards speak to the resilience and dedication and continued pledge to the community’s safety and well-being.

The fire department says it is proud of these firefighters and is honoured to celebrate their achievements.


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