Gravenhurst fire receives $25,000 grant to offset cost of new equipment

GRAVENHURST — The Gravenhurst fire department recently learned that they were among the 84 recipients from across Canada to benefit from a grant program offered to rural communities by Farm Credit Canada through the FCC AgriSpirit Fund.

The local department will receive $25,000 to be put toward the acquisition and equipment costs of its newly ordered tanker truck which will be used primarily for rural water supply applications throughout Gravenhurst and surrounding communities.

During the presentation of the grant to council, fire Chief Larry Brassard underlined that this is a great news story of two organization coming together via networking and relationship building. The suggestion for the grant came from Judy Campbell from the Ryde Coop. Brassard noted that in conjunction with the economic development department an application was submitted to Farm Credit Canada and was successful.

“The funds aren’t astronomical, its $25,000, but it’s $25,000 in this case that will go to deferring monies that otherwise would have been collected from rate payers in Gravenhurst so in that sense it’s a great news story,” said Brassard.

Coun. Randy Jorgensen said, “It clearly shows that these relationships with organizations have these spin off benefits.”

Brassard went on to explain that the grant will assist the fire department to offset costs associated with the purchase of new equipment.

“The grant is wonderful news to us and will be utilized to offset the capital costs of the truck and equipment specifically for the truck,” said Chief Brassard. “Council approved the purchase of the $330,000 truck in the spring as a replacement for a 20 year old vehicle that’s currently in our fleet, but the old truck leaks so badly now that our firefighters actually have to take valuable time before it responds to fill up the water tank. The new truck will save us time during responses — which is critical — and also introduces modern, current technology that will help keep our firefighters safer.” The truck is being built in Eastern Canada and is expected to be delivered early in the new year.

Sophie Perreault, FCC executive vice-president and chief operating officer said “The FCC AgriSpirit Fund is about helping community-minded individuals and groups undertake projects that enhance the quality of life in rural Canada. Our employees care about the communities where they live and work, and we share in their pride and sense of accomplishment by lending a helping hand.”

In its own media release, Farm Credit Canada stated “FCC is Canada’s leading agriculture lender, with a healthy loan portfolio of more than $33 billion. Our employees are dedicated to the future of Canadian agriculture and its role in feeding an ever-growing world. We provide flexible, competitively priced financing, management software, information and knowledge specifically designed for the agriculture and agri-food industry. As a self-sustaining Crown corporation, our profits provide a return to our shareholder and enable us to reinvest back into the industry we serve and the communities where our customers and employees live and work.”

Link to original article in Muskoka Gravenhurst fire receives $25,000 grant to offset cost of new equipment

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