FireCon 2024 - Track H - Psychological First Aid

September 6 - 7, 2024

Thunder Bay ON

TRACK H:  Psychological First Aid

2 Day Package $455.00 HST

Course Description

This course equips learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma, and grief on others, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection. Learners will be introduced to the Red Cross Look, Listen, Link, Live model – a resiliency-building approach to emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing that teaches learners how to support themselves and others to cope with the effects of various types of stress. The course uses primarily case-based learning and includes the latest evidence from the international community.

Course Content includes: Introduction to Red Cross, Case Studies, Psychological First Aid, Operational Principles, Stress, Distress, Loss and Grief, Trauma, Indicators, Vulnerable Populations, Supportive Communication, Look, Listen, Link, Live, Resiliency and Protective Factors, Protection, Policies, Legislation, and Self-Care


  • Conference September 6 - 7
  • Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks September 6 - 7
  • Receptions on the Trade Show Floor September 5 - 6
  • FireCon Banquet September 7
  • Trade Show access

You will need to book your own hotel accommodations.